Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A day with children

Last evening we lost electricity for awhile and I journaled at my Arts and Crafts desk with one candlestick for light. It was quite Dickenesque, I must say.

Lovely sleeping in until eight-thirty and getting loads of house work accomplished. The two Hart children arrived just after eleven for me to care for while their Mum went to work for several hours. The children colored, did puzzles, helped me vacuum, clean, and water colored pictures at the kitchen table. We also planted a large red amaryllis bulb!

After their Mum was home from work we spent supper with them. She made oven baked chicken, steamed carrots flavored with butter and cinnamon, broccoli, and homemade macaroni and cheese. For after supper tea we had apple spice cake and a steaming white-peach tea. I showed their Mum how to prepare for making a braided rug, and made several strips from old wool plaid.

Red Amaryllis Photograph (courtesy http://www.allposters.com)

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