Sunday, October 12, 2008

Found Berets!

Driving home yesterday, Mother and I discovered that a Minuteman Estate sale was being held in my favorite brick cottage. We parked, and walked to the home. It was the last day and late afternoon, the sale had been going for three days. We realized by the many blank spots on the walls and in rooms, that there had been quite a few pictures and furniture. By what remained, we determined that the lady had had lovely taste in her furnishings. I wish now that I had knocked on the door of this fine home to meet the lady of the house when I first had the unction several months ago.
In a back bedroom, I caught a glimpse of several hats lying on the floor. At last berets! I tried two luscious velvet hats; one mulberry, and the other royal blue. How do I look? Can I wear these colors? How is the style? Mother thinks they are charming, so I buy them. What? They are not $2.00 each...just $1.00? Thank you, sir.
As we walk across the verdant yard, the salesclerk closes the door behind us. Just in the nick of time!

Art Print:

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